Friday, December 16, 2011

Jesus! The Name That Offends?

Jesus states, "And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." (Matthew 11:6) Jesus knew that just as it was then, that in the years to come His message and His name would offend people. Why? If we read the red words of Jesus in the Bible, we will not find one thing that will harm us. This is a challenge to those, that the name of Jesus offend.....what did He say or do that offends you?.......what did He say or do that will harm you? Jesus represents the ultimate love, to give His very life for us! His teachings will convict, but they do not harm. His words save and His words only lead to a fulfilling life. He is the only way to real peace. This peace comes as a result of trust in Him. We let go of the things that harm us and let Him lead. We truly are blessed when we embrace Jesus instead of being offended by Him. He is the LOVE. Why does LOVE offend?
This Christmas season may the true meaning of Christmas come through your day to day life. Without the birth of Jesus we would not have Christmas!!!! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jesus Is My Expert

In today's world many people are following many things and searching for experts to solve their problems. There is but only one expert to follow and find answers to all life's problems. The expert is Jesus! The problem comes when answers to our problems may be an honest look at ourselves instead of the problem. It is sometimes painful to acknowledge the log in our own eye, when easy to see the speck in someone else's eye.
 In John 8:7, Jesus said, "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." Jesus was defending a woman that had been found in the act of adultery in which Moses, in the Law, commanded that such should be stoned. Jesus did not say that what the woman did was OK. Jesus was teaching to examine ourselves for sin. We hear this quote many times when it is convenient to defend sin; but there is more to the story. After the woman's accusers left, Jesus asked the woman, "Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee? She answered, No man. Jesus replied, "Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." Then Jesus goes on to say, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." To walk in the light we must follow Jesus. Jesus tells us all to sin no more.
Throughout all of the scriptures the theme seems to be to love God and love others, letting Jesus to take care of our needs. Making Jesus our expert is to let go of self and seek Jesus.
Now let's talk benefits when we choose to elect Jesus as our expert.  Eternal life with Jesus in Paradise! A peace and love and joy on this side of Heaven! A genuine love for others! The only drawback that I can think of is in Ecclesiastes 1:18 The grief and sorrow comes when people that you love do not get it. It is so sad to see so many just going on with life without Jesus.  This is not fiction, I challenge you to read the Holy Bible for yourself and in doing so find the treasures of life and the only expert that can be tried and tested to find absolute truth. Jesus is my expert. Love to all!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cancer an answer to prayer?

At a workshop a statement was made that to be a witness for Jesus, you must have a pure heart. Sitting there as a sponsor for the youth at my church, I knew I had a playground in my mind that made my heart not pure. No one would have ever guessed. I was a Sunday School teacher, and rarely missed church. But I let my mind wander. That day I prayed that God would give me a pure heart so that I may be a witness for Jesus. Five years later I got my prayer answered. I got a cancer diagnosis, went to my closet and kneeled. I told God that now I finally saw that He was all that mattered. It took five years because of the bondage of sin. I loved my playground.  I would give it up and take it back, give it up and take it back for five years. To date I have not taken back my sinful playground. Hearing you have a 30% chance to live and then the doctor added that with my type of case he had never seen survive tossed me into the reality and truth that following Jesus was all that mattered. Cancer then was the vehicle that brought me to a new place in my life. God answered my prayer. I emptied my heart of a sinful playground and replaced it with Jesus. I am now cancer free and have been for 5 years. Although having cancer was filled with much suffering, I can say that it was all worth it. I would have never put cancer on a vision board for myself but it did so much for me. Weird I know. I did ask God to give me a pure heart and He did. I am no way perfect. I am not saying that at all but my desire is to please Jesus. I fail often but my heart's desire is like King David---I desire to be a woman after God's own heart. I was now free of the sinful playground in my mind blocking my witness for Jesus.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jesus "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life and Nobody Comes to the Father but by Me."

Many call themselves "Christian". The definition of Christian is one that follows Jesus. The devil knows that Jesus is the Son of God but does not follow Him. Following Jesus, read His words in John 14. He proclaims that He is the Only Way to the Father.  The Father being God.
 Reading the Holy Bible from cover to cover and considering Jesus; it is amazing how all the pieces fit. Being a Christian is following Jesus. To follow Jesus, you must know Him by reading His Word.
The Encounter   
A great movie, answering some of lifes most difficult questions.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Admission into Heaven

Jesus paid it all. Admission price was the blood of an innocent lamb. Jesus was the only one that could be the sacrifice and He chose us.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  To accept His gift, repent and  follow Him.  He said in Matthew 4 and 5 to "Repent" and "Follow Me".   Not to much to ask for someone that paid your admission price to Heaven. This is serious business. This is real. Keep your eyes upon Jesus. One great day coming soon; you will be so glad you did. Better than the Super Bowl!!! Better than the Oscars!!! Better than the World Series!!! Better!!!! It is vital that you think about the purspose of your life. You are given a guide book, Holy Bible, you are given a direct link to God through Prayer, you are given a chance to choose after reading the evidence, you are given a Savior and King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Imagine being the Winners for eternity!! You either win or lose!  But there is an admission price to be paid! Jesus offers it free to those that Repent and Follow Him! Get your free admission to Heaven! Greatest show on Earth and Heaven!!!! Accept your gift now! Before it is to late! REPENT AND FOLLOW JESUS!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jesus Stuff-and life's choices

In anything in life one can choose Jesus stuff or not.  I found a great link called just that When choosing a book to read; why not a Jesus book? When choosing a CD; why not a Jesus CD? When choosing a movie; why not a Jesus movie? When on the web; why not Jesus sites? By Jesus stuff-you know if it honors Jesus or not. There are only two choices----Jesus or not.   The Holy Bible and every word of Jesus is our litmus paper for all of life's choices. ONE GREAT DAY YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU CHOSE JESUS! Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and nobody comes to the Father but by me." This is from the mouth of the One that Christians claim to follow. If you say you are a Christian-then follow Christ Jesus. If you do not follow Christ Jesus; call yourself something else!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Christian Requirements?

Many claim to be Christian but are they? What about the murderer in Norway? He claimed it. Why??? Just because a person says he is a Christian that does NOT mean they are! Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers!" This is very alarming!! Many think it is sealed they are a Christian and then lead their lives 'my way' not 'The Way; Jesus'! According to Jesus it is imperative that we do the will of His Father; God. To do that we must choose to ask, seek and knock. We must desire to follow Jesus, to do what He did and what He said to do. Love His Father and love another are the two greatest commandments, the top ten rolled into two; these are the actions of a Christian. To be a Christian you must follow Jesus, otherwise you are not. Jesus tells us to repent and follow. Putting on the authentic name of  'Christian' has requirements. It is only by the blood of Jesus that we are allowed to carry out requirements--Repent and Follow!! 
Prayers for the families of those lost in Norway.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

These are the words of Jesus. If you are a follower of Jesus you believe and trust these words. God will take care of the followers of Jesus, His people. In light of the present day budget problems, one may wonder how long can America stand? In light of the unemployment statistics, one may wonder how long can America stand? Well reguardless of the standing of America, we stand as followers of Jesus Christ. We are more valuable than the birds. But we must trust and believe that God can and will take care of us. We may be eating mana but we will be feed!
HEAVENLY JOKE (After all who invented humor? Are we so proud to think we did? God did!)
A man was robbed of his credit card. The poice investigated. It turned out that the robber spent less money than his wife. So the man asked for the investigation to be stopped!
HEAVENLY KID TALK Listen! Listen! Listen! Let your kids conversation be as important to you as much as your cell phone, facebook, video games, sports, television and any other interest.*****Need a brake after you listen? :) Put a dollar's worth of nickles in your kids sand bed and let them dig for treasure!!!!!!!!My sweet daddy did this to Larry, Karrie, Carla, and I!! I think he may have only put a quarter's worth of nickles but we dug for- it seemed like hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Banana Carmel Pie
1 graham craker crust                               1 can sweetened condensed milk
3 bananas                                                lemon juice
Cool whip
Boil milk, in the can, for 3 hours. Make sure water covers the can at all time. Cool. Pour into crust. Slice bananaa and dip in lemon juice so that they won't turn dark. Put bananas on carmel. Then top with cool whip.
Heavenly Quote------I am the way, the truth, and the life, and nobody comes to the father but by me. Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                                                        
                                               Click for action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Power Of The Cross

"The Power of The Cross" is a recommended Youtube visit. It is very powerful for the followers of Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 1, it talks plainly of true power. On this side of Heaven we are being sucked in to what the world sees as power. The power of prestige, pleasure, wealth, and power are all deceivers. Does anybody ask "Where is this taking me?" Does anybody stop and THINK? Who has the power of what is put in your mind and heart? In Colossians 3, you may find an answer. We have the power to choose what we put in our hearts and minds. I choose the power of the cross. After the ressurection of Jesus, He told Thomas,"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet  have believed." (John 20:29) Be blessed and believe.
Power of the Cross wrist bands are now available to purchase! :) Duet. 6!!!!!!!!!!!
Heavenly quote-"God grades on the Cross, not the curve." Adrian Rogers
Heavenly help for kids-Smile and listen and smile again.   Let them pull weeds from your garden but just like the garden of life, teach them the difference between the good plant and the weed. :)
Heavenly book- 1st the Holy Bible and for entertainment try Prophet By Frank Peretti
Heavenly recipe-
 Cantaloupe and Bannana Smoothie
1 cup chopped cantaloupe                1 bannana
1 Carnation instant breakfast             2 cups skim milk
Blend above ingredients.   MMMMMMMmmmmmm good! *** (low calories but filling and healthy)***
Follow Jesus and WOW what a difference He makes in your life! Love prevails as you follow Him!
I care I want you there.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Why Do People Shy Away From The Holy Name of Jesus?

First of all if you plan on running into heaven, it is imperative that you love and use the name of Jesus-daily. If you want to be with Him for eternity, the desire must begin here during your test time. Jesus paid for your enterance to Heaven, and will give it for a gift. But as my paster often says, you have to accept the gift. The gift that Jesus offers requires ACTION. Jesus said, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Matthew 4:17) Then Jesus says, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." These words were spoken by Jesus in the beginning of His ministry. Repent and follow was the message that He brought to us. Simple! Simple yes, but many make it so hard. Repenting frees us up from the bondage of sin. Following Jesus makes it possible to set your goals for running into Heaven! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

What Does It Take to be Worthy of Jesus?

According to Jesus in Matthew 10:38, "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me." To be worthy of Jesus, we must follow Jesus and taking up our cross is vital. When He took up His cross, He was surrendered to God totally, willing to give His life and His will for the will of His Father. That is exactly what we must do. We give our lives to Him.This may mean giving up things that the world has to offer such as money, power, popularity, or pleasures. We will seek to find God's will in our lives to be counted worthy. No longer do we desire to be number one. We desire for Jesus to be number one!

To take our cross is to know the road will not be and easy one, just as our Savior, Jesus took His cross. It was not easy for Him either. He loved us to the point of giving His life on the cross to redeem us!

Jesus said to take up your ctoss and follow Him. He also said if you don't you are not worthy of Him. It takes action to follow Jesus. It takes the desire to do as He did which involves sacrifice, but oh how sweet the results. It turns out what you think you are sacrificing does not compare to what you recieve in return! Peace and clear thinking on earth and life eternal with Jesus in paradise! A real place! Sadly not following will take you to the opposite place. I choose Jesus!

Heavenly Quote-A man will go to hell unsaved,but he will never go unloved. Adrian Rogers
Heavenly Ideas for Kids       If you tell a kid to do something, follow up, make sure he does it every time. Check it out and if it is not done---NOTICE and give concequences. If not your child learns disobedience. Is that what you want for your child?
Use shaving cream on your kitchen table, squirt some on a let your child create. This works with pudding too. They will be shocked they get to ear their creation. :)
Heavenly Recipe      Mom's Delicious Bean Burgers
1 can bean soup                            1/2 cup ketchup                    1 package hamburger buns
1 tablespoon chilli powder             1 pound ground beef   
Mix ingredients, Spoon on half of each bun. BROIL until brown. Approximately 8 to 12 minutes.
Very good.!MMMMMMMmmmmmmm!
Stay cool---it is a play with the waterhose day!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Life is a test with one question on it.

Life is a test. The test consist of ONE question. The question being- Did I choose Jesus or not? Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) Jesus said this, that means if we truly follow Jesus, we believe this. This supports 'The one question to Life' theory. I choose Jesus. I passed the test; coming to the Father. Jesus said so.

Lemonade Pie
1 can condensed milk                 1 small can of frozen lemonade
1 carton of cool whip                   1 graham cracker crust
Combine all but the crust. Pour into the crust. Refrigerate.   YUMMY
SMILE at them even when you do not feel like smiling. Keep them busy: buy a roll of duck tape and go dumpster diving for boxes and other great treasures; you make want to give them a saw also. They will go at this for hours. :)
Glimpses of Heaven and Evidence of Intelligent Design  by Dr. Cal Hunter

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Which Gate to Heaven?

Jesus said, "Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." This is found in Luke 13:24. Strait defined in Webster--difficulty, distress. Running into heaven will not be easy, quite the opposite. Adrian Rodgers had an interesting word play concerning living opposite.
LIVE-----EVIL            LIVED-----DEVIL
Don't live life backwards!
Running into heaven will be a choice to seek the strait gate; choosing the hard way. This is a scary verse, Jesus said these words, as a follower, we must believe His words. Who are those that seek to enter in and are not able to? Life is a test, to pass the test is to enter in. The test has one question:
Do I choose Jesus and follow Him or not?
I choose Jesus.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Running Into Heaven

Amazing! Oh how I wish I desired to run everywhere I go! Children desire to run everywhere they go! Teachers repeatedly remind them "Do not run in the hall." "We walk inside, we run outside." At the recess bell they do not stroll quietly out the door, they burst out like a cannon ball! So why do we stop them? When do we loose the desire to run everwhere we go? Will we run into Heaven?
 Jesus said "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
My plan is to run into heaven.
The closer I walk with Jesus, the sweetness makes me want to run into heaven!