About Me

I love Jesus, yes, I do, I love Jesus; how 'bout you? As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe He is the only way to Heaven. He said so.(John 14). He also commands to tell others(Matthew 28)I care I want you there.
I am a retired Kindergarten teacher. I learned alot from my kids. God blessed me with 6 great kids and so far 5 great kid-inlaws, and 12 grandkids, and 1 husband that enjoys chaos!
I blog to reach others and share. If I believe that Jesus is The Way, the Only Way as He teaches; then in the love that I possess, because of Him, I must carry on His commands. I love you.

At the age of 47 I was diagnosed with oral cancer. The stage was 3 to 4. Many thought I would die when it metastasized to my lungs. The doctors gave me a 30% chance of survival and added that they had never seen someone survive a metastasis from oral cancer. This experience forced me to take a look at my life. That changed my life. I was not following Jesus. I went to church, talked church language, and taught Sunday School but I had a playground in my mind. I was doubleminded. At this time I surrendered all to Jesus. He has never let me down. At that time, for the first time I was at peace. If you look in your concordance for the word suffer or suffering, the verses will spell out what cancer did for me. Jesus used that cancer for good. I became a new better person. I still mess up from time to time but my focus is on Jesus with the ultimate happy life! We can all have this if we give it up for Jesus! I came off of disability and taught 5 more years with a partial tongue!

I have watched children for years. They all want to run. We adults tell them to stop. I wish I still wanted to run out the door to my day. I walk. Jesus said unless we are like children we will not enter the Kingdom. Kids are worth watching. Honestly, they can teach us alot and my Jesus knew that. LOVELY!!!!
Join me by 'Running Into Heaven' by following Jesus. Read those 'red' words of Jesus Christ and follow. You will experience something unexpected. What a sweet run!!

I have self-published a daily Bible study I did on Matthew. I looked only at the red words of Jesus and thought about them, then recorded my thoughts. It took three years. I decided this would be good to leave my grandkids; truth. It was a great time with the Lord. The commentary is Follow. It is now an E-Book. Wow! Progress! \

Motive checking is imperative in my life. Many times my motives fail me.

Love In Jesus Christ, To God Be The Glory,      Connie Elmore