Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ask! Seek! Knock!

Ecclesiastes 1:18
For in much widsom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

Where do we get knowledge? Where do we get wisdom? What is the cost of the wisdom and knowledge here?

The world will tell you that wisdom and knowledge come from a college education. WRONG!

God provided a book for us to explore to find wisdom and knowledge. Holy Bible is the title. In this book it says one must ask, seek, and knock at the door of knowledge. Jesus said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8) Jesus makes it clear that it is up to us. We have the opportunitie to desire real wisdom and knowledge. We have the choice to seek Jesus or not. The truth is, according to the Holy Bible,  is that we have consequences to our choices that will result in eternal consequences. I am not going to make it easy for you. You will have to seek, ask, and knock to determine those consequences.

Solomon asked for wisdom and received. God loves you just as much as Solomon. You can ask for wisdom and knowledge from God and receive it. At that time God may impress on your heart to read the Holy Bible. Many things are hidden in this great book. The hidden things can be yours. Desire them.
Wisdom and knowledge do not discriminate. You can be red, yellow, black, white, or purple. You can be educated with a phd or a ged or no education.(My mom had an 8th grade education yet was wise.) You can possess great physical health or not. You can maintain a powerful position or be a servant of servants (Jesus the King of Kings, Lord of Lords came to serve, not be served.) You can enjoy all the pleasures that this world provides or you can deny yourself (honestly if you are enjoying the world's pleasures God will change that, if you desire His wisdom, just a warning). ANYONE  can ask for wisdom and knowledge from God and receive it. He keeps his promises.

That brings us back to Ecclesiastes 1:18, what does wisdom and knowledge do for us? It gives us grief and sorrow. WHY?  Our hearts are broken for those that have rejected wisdom and knowledge to do as they please. Our hearts are broken for those that reject absolute truth-Jesus is the Son of God. Our hearts are broken as we fail God. When absolute truth is revealed to you, you have peace in your heart knowing you have found the treasure the same time your heart is broken for those that have not found the treasure because they do not desire the treasure.

Those Running Into Heaven are those that have made a choice to Ask, Seek, and Knock at the door of wisdom and knowledge.

Love to All

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