Monday, July 11, 2011

The Power Of The Cross

"The Power of The Cross" is a recommended Youtube visit. It is very powerful for the followers of Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 1, it talks plainly of true power. On this side of Heaven we are being sucked in to what the world sees as power. The power of prestige, pleasure, wealth, and power are all deceivers. Does anybody ask "Where is this taking me?" Does anybody stop and THINK? Who has the power of what is put in your mind and heart? In Colossians 3, you may find an answer. We have the power to choose what we put in our hearts and minds. I choose the power of the cross. After the ressurection of Jesus, He told Thomas,"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet  have believed." (John 20:29) Be blessed and believe.
Power of the Cross wrist bands are now available to purchase! :) Duet. 6!!!!!!!!!!!
Heavenly quote-"God grades on the Cross, not the curve." Adrian Rogers
Heavenly help for kids-Smile and listen and smile again.   Let them pull weeds from your garden but just like the garden of life, teach them the difference between the good plant and the weed. :)
Heavenly book- 1st the Holy Bible and for entertainment try Prophet By Frank Peretti
Heavenly recipe-
 Cantaloupe and Bannana Smoothie
1 cup chopped cantaloupe                1 bannana
1 Carnation instant breakfast             2 cups skim milk
Blend above ingredients.   MMMMMMMmmmmmm good! *** (low calories but filling and healthy)***
Follow Jesus and WOW what a difference He makes in your life! Love prevails as you follow Him!
I care I want you there.

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