Tuesday, July 19, 2011

These are the words of Jesus. If you are a follower of Jesus you believe and trust these words. God will take care of the followers of Jesus, His people. In light of the present day budget problems, one may wonder how long can America stand? In light of the unemployment statistics, one may wonder how long can America stand? Well reguardless of the standing of America, we stand as followers of Jesus Christ. We are more valuable than the birds. But we must trust and believe that God can and will take care of us. We may be eating mana but we will be feed!
HEAVENLY JOKE (After all who invented humor? Are we so proud to think we did? God did!)
A man was robbed of his credit card. The poice investigated. It turned out that the robber spent less money than his wife. So the man asked for the investigation to be stopped!
HEAVENLY KID TALK Listen! Listen! Listen! Let your kids conversation be as important to you as much as your cell phone, facebook, video games, sports, television and any other interest.*****Need a brake after you listen? :) Put a dollar's worth of nickles in your kids sand bed and let them dig for treasure!!!!!!!!My sweet daddy did this to Larry, Karrie, Carla, and I!! I think he may have only put a quarter's worth of nickles but we dug for- it seemed like hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Banana Carmel Pie
1 graham craker crust                               1 can sweetened condensed milk
3 bananas                                                lemon juice
Cool whip
Boil milk, in the can, for 3 hours. Make sure water covers the can at all time. Cool. Pour into crust. Slice bananaa and dip in lemon juice so that they won't turn dark. Put bananas on carmel. Then top with cool whip.
Heavenly Quote------I am the way, the truth, and the life, and nobody comes to the father but by me. Jesus Christ.                                                                                                                                                        
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