Monday, June 27, 2011

What Does It Take to be Worthy of Jesus?

According to Jesus in Matthew 10:38, "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me." To be worthy of Jesus, we must follow Jesus and taking up our cross is vital. When He took up His cross, He was surrendered to God totally, willing to give His life and His will for the will of His Father. That is exactly what we must do. We give our lives to Him.This may mean giving up things that the world has to offer such as money, power, popularity, or pleasures. We will seek to find God's will in our lives to be counted worthy. No longer do we desire to be number one. We desire for Jesus to be number one!

To take our cross is to know the road will not be and easy one, just as our Savior, Jesus took His cross. It was not easy for Him either. He loved us to the point of giving His life on the cross to redeem us!

Jesus said to take up your ctoss and follow Him. He also said if you don't you are not worthy of Him. It takes action to follow Jesus. It takes the desire to do as He did which involves sacrifice, but oh how sweet the results. It turns out what you think you are sacrificing does not compare to what you recieve in return! Peace and clear thinking on earth and life eternal with Jesus in paradise! A real place! Sadly not following will take you to the opposite place. I choose Jesus!

Heavenly Quote-A man will go to hell unsaved,but he will never go unloved. Adrian Rogers
Heavenly Ideas for Kids       If you tell a kid to do something, follow up, make sure he does it every time. Check it out and if it is not done---NOTICE and give concequences. If not your child learns disobedience. Is that what you want for your child?
Use shaving cream on your kitchen table, squirt some on a let your child create. This works with pudding too. They will be shocked they get to ear their creation. :)
Heavenly Recipe      Mom's Delicious Bean Burgers
1 can bean soup                            1/2 cup ketchup                    1 package hamburger buns
1 tablespoon chilli powder             1 pound ground beef   
Mix ingredients, Spoon on half of each bun. BROIL until brown. Approximately 8 to 12 minutes.
Very good.!MMMMMMMmmmmmmm!
Stay cool---it is a play with the waterhose day!

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