Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jesus "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life and Nobody Comes to the Father but by Me."

Many call themselves "Christian". The definition of Christian is one that follows Jesus. The devil knows that Jesus is the Son of God but does not follow Him. Following Jesus, read His words in John 14. He proclaims that He is the Only Way to the Father.  The Father being God.
 Reading the Holy Bible from cover to cover and considering Jesus; it is amazing how all the pieces fit. Being a Christian is following Jesus. To follow Jesus, you must know Him by reading His Word.
The Encounter   
A great movie, answering some of lifes most difficult questions.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Admission into Heaven

Jesus paid it all. Admission price was the blood of an innocent lamb. Jesus was the only one that could be the sacrifice and He chose us.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  To accept His gift, repent and  follow Him.  He said in Matthew 4 and 5 to "Repent" and "Follow Me".   Not to much to ask for someone that paid your admission price to Heaven. This is serious business. This is real. Keep your eyes upon Jesus. One great day coming soon; you will be so glad you did. Better than the Super Bowl!!! Better than the Oscars!!! Better than the World Series!!! Better!!!! It is vital that you think about the purspose of your life. You are given a guide book, Holy Bible, you are given a direct link to God through Prayer, you are given a chance to choose after reading the evidence, you are given a Savior and King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Imagine being the Winners for eternity!! You either win or lose!  But there is an admission price to be paid! Jesus offers it free to those that Repent and Follow Him! Get your free admission to Heaven! Greatest show on Earth and Heaven!!!! Accept your gift now! Before it is to late! REPENT AND FOLLOW JESUS!