Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jesus Stuff-and life's choices

In anything in life one can choose Jesus stuff or not.  I found a great link called just that When choosing a book to read; why not a Jesus book? When choosing a CD; why not a Jesus CD? When choosing a movie; why not a Jesus movie? When on the web; why not Jesus sites? By Jesus stuff-you know if it honors Jesus or not. There are only two choices----Jesus or not.   The Holy Bible and every word of Jesus is our litmus paper for all of life's choices. ONE GREAT DAY YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU CHOSE JESUS! Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and nobody comes to the Father but by me." This is from the mouth of the One that Christians claim to follow. If you say you are a Christian-then follow Christ Jesus. If you do not follow Christ Jesus; call yourself something else!